Why Are You Gaining Weight during Menopause?
Experts estimate that, on average, women gain 12 pounds of fat tissue during the years right before menopause. As people age, it is natural for metabolism to progressively slow down, thus lowering the number of calories the body needs. In addition, imbalanced hormonal levels – specifically, dwindling estrogen – cause the body to move fat from the hips (where it is helpful for reproduction) to the stomach area. At the same time, low progesterone and testosterone production cause sugar cravings and loss of muscle tissue.
The combination of these factors, along with many common poor lifestyle habits, make it very easy for weight to creep up unexpectedly.

How Can Macafem Help You Lose Weight?
Macafem contains many unique nutrients that nourish the endocrine system, allowing it to function at full capacity and regulate hormone levels on its own. At the same time, Macafem will increase energy levels and thwart sugar cravings, allowing you to progressively shed fat and regain muscle tone.
Macafem can help you diminish the fabled “menopausal spread,” stay active, and prevent the different symptoms that often attack during menopause. Learn how with this video!
Make a Healthy and Natural Decision – Take Macafem!
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Macafem is a 100% natural supplement, produced under the strictest industry standards with the highest-possible quality ingredients. We strive towards excellence during each and every stage of production, from carefully-controlled cultivation to comprehensive customer support.
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Read testimonials on how Macafem has helped women lose weight during menopause:

Stephanie - USA
Penny - USA
Dawn - USA
Read all reviews - Over 500 sincere reviews by women who relieved their menopause symptoms thanks to Macafem.