Introducing the Macafem Plus Program
Diet and Nutrition
For the body to function properly, it is necessary to provide it with the right fuel. After the age of 45, a woman’s metabolism begins to slow down, and her nutrient requirements change. Furthermore, many of the unhealthy habits that get acquired over the years don’t begin to cause visible effects until menopause kicks in, either by deepening hormonal imbalance or by making menopausal symptoms more intense and frequent. Luckily, it’s not too late to correct them:
- Control your portions: Experts at the United States Department of Agriculture provide this helpful guideline: servings of starchy foods should be about the size of your fist, while fat should be kept under the size of your thumb.
- Watch out for these nutrients: Now is the time to protect yourself from the typical loss of muscle and bone mass. You can do this by eating more lean proteins and calcium. You can find both in phytoestrogen-rich legumes, quality cuts of poultry or fish, and low-fat dairy.
- Incorporate fruits and vegetables. They are low-calorie but nutrient-rich, and they also help control your blood sugar levels. This provides twice the benefits: it indirectly helps you balance the spikes and drops in hormone levels, while preventing the “energy crashes” that commonly set off hot flashes.
Fitness and Exercise
A healthy mind and a healthy body go hand-in-hand. Exercise provides benefits on all sides: it keeps mood swings away by increasing serotonin levels, keeps your bones strong, and protects you from cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis.
- Add cardio throughout the day. Experts recommend at least two and a half hours of cardiovascular exercise every week. Power walking and swimming are ideal options, as they can be fun and provide little chance to stress your joints. Boost that by swearing off the elevator whenever possible.
- Lift it. Strength training is the best way to keep your bones strong. While an exercise machine can protect you from injury and is easily adjusted to your current strength level, simply lifting small free weights (like a can of beans) during the day will also help. Aim for an hour per week.
- Keep your mind cool and sharp. Your brain is like a muscle, so don’t leave it behind. You can fight memory lapses by training your brain regularly: crosswords and Sudoku puzzles on Sunday can help, as will using one of the many brain training apps available while in line at the bank. Meanwhile, stress is a natural enemy of balanced hormones, so reserve some time to unwind.
Pilates or yoga include minor bodyweight exercises, but are gentle on your joints.
Balance Your Hormonal System
Macafem is already doing most of the job in this department, as it contains the necessary nutrients to restore the former efficiency of your various hormonal glands. However, making the most of it will be up to you: if you continue to educate yourself on how your different hormones work, you will have the information you need to make small but healthy choices during the day. Stay tuned to our blog! We will keep posting valuable advice to support each pillar of the Macafem Plus Program!
United States Department of Agriculture. (2013). Weight Management: Decrease Portion Sizes. Retrieved August 28th, 2014 from