
Macafem Reviews - Page 6

Video Testimonial

From Cynthia K - Florida

Thousands of women have gotten relief from their symptoms. Get to know some of them!

February 19, 2023 5-Star

Hot Flashes

I am almost through with my first bottle of Macafem and so far so good. I just ordered three more bottles and will review with more detail when finishing these.

February 1, 2023 5-Star

Anxiety, Mood Swings

I am taking macafem for seven years. It reduces my anxiety and mood swing. It also improve my skin complexion. I look much younger after taking macafem. I am 63 years old now. Thank you macafem and I have recommended to my friends. 👍👍👍

January 29, 2023 5-Star

Hair Loss

Helped my hair and my wellbeing.

January 24, 2023 5-Star

This product really helped me! I was kinda skeptical but I figured I’d give it a shot after reading the reviews. I was having cycles every two weeks :) but when I started this product they stopped!!! I’ve been in perimenopause for quite some time now so I’m hoping this will continue to help me until I’m finished with menopause completely.

January 2, 2023 5-Star

Hot Flashes, Vaginal Dryness

I started taking Macafem in Feb 2022. It has helped both the hot flashes and vaginal dryness. I am so glad I found this pill on line. I was taking two in the morning and one at night. I now take one pill and the morning and one at night and is working great. I still have a hot flash once in a while but nothing like before. Best of all the sex life is back without pain or dryness :).

December 21, 2022 5-Star

Hot Flashes

Hello, this is my second time buying Macafem. In my case, it helped with my age change symptoms, I recommend it.

December 19, 2022 5-Star

Not through my very 1st bottle yet, but, feeling like less belly fat, appetite decreased, mood stabilizing, hair and skin feel less dried out . It appears to be making my hormones live in harmony again. Very excited and just ordered 3 more bottles!! Praying 🙏 that the benefits continue to improve!

December 7, 2022 5-Star

Hot Flashes

I used Macafem for 3 months with great results. But one of my medical professionals didn’t want me taking it–put me on another Maca supplement which was not effective, nor was another menopause supplement. So I’ve come back, I can’t take the hot flashes anymore. Dr. will just have to deal.

December 6, 2022 4-Star

Hot Flashes

I’ve used this for years and it does help along with my other stuff, I just wish there was a subscribe feature that saved a little more money.

November 24, 2022 5-Star

Loss of Libido, Vaginal Dryness

out of all the maca supplements I have tried, this is the only one that I have noticed consistent results from. My sexual side effects from perio/menopause are minimal

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