
Macafem Reviews - Page 70

July 3, 2010

Depression, Energy Levels, Fatigue, Irregular Heartbeat, Irritability, Joint Pain, Weight Gain

I am a 43 year old woman who experienced hormonal imbalance and I have come to believe, a sluggish thyroid with other symtpoms (joint and muscle pain, heart palpitations, fatigue), following a miscarriage last year. Under the care of a medical practitioner and based on the results of a saliva test, I took a progesterone cream with other phytonutrients to try and balance my endocrine system, and it was a complete disaster. I gained two dress sizes in one month, became depressed, lost energy, and felt horrible. Not the right approach for me, clearly.
I stopped taking the creme and began researching other options.
I ordered Macafem and started by taking just one a day, rather than the recommended 3 – 6 (I am very dosage sensitive so I started off slowly). I actually noticed a boost in my energy and a lift in my depression immediately. After two weeks of taking just one a day, I am losing weight (yes, it’s coming right off), am noticeably happier and less irritable and no longer exhausted all the time. As a mother of a 2 year old, I am very thankful to have found MacaFem — it works.
(.) Needless to say, the weight coming off is quite a relief when I was trying everything, dieting, exercise — nothing worked until I started taking this product.

June 26, 2010

I’m 37, my husband & I have been trying for a year to get pregnant. After one month on Macafem (just two a day), we’re pregnant. It is the only thing we’ve done different. This will be my first child. Thank you.

March 15, 2010

I just re-ordered macafem, (…) my wife was going through the change,and we had a very bad time with this,however after taking macafem for about 2 wks, there is a BIG difference, it really works! Thanks.

February 22, 2010

Hot Flashes, Night Sweats

I would like to add a testimonial. After 4 years of suffering from the symptoms of menopause and continued hot flashes waking me, I have found much relief with Macafem. The first night I was free of night sweats and from 6 to 10 flashes a day…I am now down to 3, upon waking and only a couple of times in the afternoon.
Thank you so much for this product. I will continue to use it looking for the results to get only better with time. And best of all… absolutely no side effects.
Thank you.

February 9, 2010

Just wanted to give you a thumbs up, Macafem has helped straighten out the prementapausal symptoms I was experiencing. My life is much better now. Thanks for making this wonderful product!.

October 16, 2009

Hot Flashes

Great! I sent this e-mail to all of my girlfriends just yesterday. MANY of them are very excited about getting off of prescription HRT and trying it!.
I had been having hot flashes almost constantly (or so it seemed) for quite a while. It was wearing me out! So, I heard about a product on the radio that was the cure all of all cure alls, and I ordered it. It is called Amberen. Took it and it did NOTHING. So I started doing some more research on the internet and learned about this herbal supplement called Macafem. I figured, what the hey, I’ll give it a shot. It says to take 3 tablets a day with meals. I figured I would not stop 3 times a day to take it, so I just decided to take 2 tablets in the morning to see what happened (I mean, why be smart and follow the directions – duh! ha!). Well, I’m here to testify that my hot flashes have totally disappeared and I got results within a day or two…no kidding. I started taking this stuff on October 17th, and I don’t even remember when I had my last flash!.
If its voice starts to get higher, I let you know! Ha! GREAT PRODUCT!.

August 6, 2009

Mood Swings

I began taking Macafem in April of 2008 when I was 49 years old. My mood swings were out of control and because I have a 4 year old who doesn’t understand why mommy is upset all of the time, I needed to take action. I ordered the product and started taking three tablets a day. I noticed a difference within a couple of weeks. (.)
I have recommended this product to many of my other friends who are skeptics. They haven’t taken the plunge, but if you’re reading this and wondering whether it works, the short answer is YES!.

July 22, 2009 5-Star

Hot Flashes

I’ve been taking Macafem for 1 month, and my hot flashes have almost completely stopped. I’m a believer!!!

July 10, 2009 5-Star

Energy Levels, Hot Flashes, Mood Swings

I received your supplements yesterday and within 4 hours of using them my hot flashes were less frequent and barely noticeable. Where as before, I was having a very severe hot flash every hour. I was skeptical when I ordered them having tried everything else to relieve the terrible hot flashes I have had for the last 6 years. I cannot even believe how fast they worked! I am going to tell everyone I know about Macafem.
As an added benefit, I also have energy now and am in a better mood. Thank you!

June 11, 2009


I suffered for so long with the extreme fatigue. Work was a problem because I was so exhausted I would begin to fall asleep. I have nodded off while driving nearly wrecking my care. 8 days into the supplement and it was better. Now I am near the end of my first bottle and I feel clear headed and alert for the first time in years. I tried everything; Macafem works.
I never want anyone to feel the way I felt. I would be happy to have you use my email for testimonials. If I can convince anyone to just try Macafem and they experience even a small measure of what I have gotten from using Macafem; it will be worth it.
Thank you for this product.

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