
Hormonal Imbalance & Infertility

Having difficulties getting pregnant can wreak havoc in nearly all aspects of women’s lives. To make things worse, the stress they experience due to infertility can further reduce their chances of pregnancy. If there’s anything comforting in this situation, it’s that the leading cause of female infertility is hormonal imbalance, which is usually treatable. Read on to learn more about hormonal imbalance and infertility, including how are both defined, intertwined, and treated!

Hormonal Imbalance & Infertility

What’s Hormonal Imbalance?

Hormonal imbalance happens when the levels of hormones produced in the body are too high, too low, or out of sync.

While several other hormones influence female fertility (e.g., thyroid hormones), the four that play a principal role in reproduction are estrogen, progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH).

For women of child-bearing age, healthy ranges for these hormones are as follows:

  • Estrogen: 30-400 pg/mL
  • Progesterone: 0.1-25 ng/mL
  • LH: 0.61 – 56.6 IU/mL
  • FSH: 1.1 – 17.2 mlU/mL

During the menstrual cycle, these reproductive hormones naturally fluctuate within a healthy range. However, when their levels (or proportions to one another) fall outside of that range, hormonal imbalance ensues, triggering a variety of health issues, like infertility.

How Do Imbalanced Hormones Affect my Fertility?

A woman’s fertility is all about her menstrual cycle, especially ovulation. It is on ovulation day – a short 12- to 24-hour window – when the ovaries release an egg that can be fertilized by sperm.

However, the body is preparing for ovulation throughout the month via complex and strictly timed feedback loops. Since hormones’ roles intertwine and depend on one another, the entire menstrual cycle will not go as planned if one of the hormones is out of whack.

As a result, getting pregnant can be more difficult or even impossible due to:

  • Periods that are irregular or absent
  • Ovulation that is irregular or absent
  • Low libido

Keep in mind that age is another factor that heavily affects fertility. In middle-aged women, a natural depletion of the ovarian egg reserve will trigger hormonal shifts characteristic of menopause, essentially ending their fertility.

How Can I Be Sure I’m Dealing with Infertility?

Understandably, after not being able to conceive for several months, a woman may anxiously want to seek medical help as soon as possible.

However, according to the official guidelines, a woman who is younger than 35 should consult a doctor after not getting pregnant after twelve consecutive months of having unprotected sex. This time shortens to six months if she’s over 35 since fertility typically decreases from that point onwards.

To determine the underlying cause of hormonal imbalance and infertility, a doctor may run a variety of diagnostic tests, ranging from blood work and pap smears to ultrasounds and genetic testing.

Treating Hormonal Imbalance and Fertility Issues

Once hormonal imbalance is confirmed, a doctor will create a treatment plan tailored to a woman’s health status and lifestyle habits. Its main objective is to bring the hormone levels back to a normal range and restore a woman’s fertility.

This can be achieved through natural and pharmacological ways, depending on the specific health situation. They may include some of the following:

  • Fueling the body with the nutrients it needs for healthy menstrual cycles
  • Reaching a normal body mass index (BMI) to improve periods and ovulation
  • Partaking in regular exercise, keeping in mind over-exercising can worsen hormonal imbalance
  • Decreasing cortisol levels via stress-reducing techniques, like meditation or yoga
  • Balancing hormones with natural supplements, like Macafem, to regulate periods and boost fertility
  • Taking medications if they are necessary to treat hormonal imbalance and stimulate ovulation
  • Undergoing procedures that may remove blockages in the reproductive organs

Infertility affects millions of women around the world. While each of their stories is different, the majority relates to one cause: hormonal imbalance. In many cases, something as simple as reaching a healthy weight, improving diet, or regulating hormone levels naturally with Macafem is enough to improve menstrual cycles, restore fertility, and enjoy a happy ending to one’s infertility journey!

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Cleveland Clinic. (2023). Infertility. Retrieved August 3, 2023, from https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/16083-infertility
Harvard Health Publishing. (2020). Fertility and diet: Is there a connection? Retrieved August 3, 2023, from https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/fertility-and-diet-is-there-a-connection-2018053113949
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