Top 4 Strategies to Find Relief for Muscle Tension
Muscle tension results when muscles remain semi-contracted for a lengthy period of time. Eventually, it can lead to shoulder, back, or neck pain if left unmanaged. Although it can be due to physiological effects from stress, muscle tension can also be caused by hormonal imbalances that occur between estrogen and progesterone.
Keep reading to find out our top four strategies to find relief for muscle tension and get back on track to a pain-free life.

Exercise and Stretch
Women suffering from muscle tension should choose exercises that do not put a strain on muscles, such as swimming, walking, or tai chi. The general recommendation is to get at least 30 minutes of daily exercise five times a week, which also benefits overall hormonal balance. Specifically, several exercises are noted for helping cure neck muscle tension, including head tilts, chin turns, and shoulder shrugs. Practice them daily before and after exercising for optimized results.
Take a Hot Bath or Use Heat Therapy
Heat opens up blood vessels and increases blood flow, which ultimately supplies oxygen to joints and sore muscles, reducing pain. Using heat for muscle tension can also reduce the frequency of any muscle spasms experienced from long-term tension and increase one’s range of motion. Women can reap these benefits by taking a hot bath or using heat therapy to soothe sore muscles and relieve chronic muscle pain.
Stress may also aggravate muscle tension and subsequent pain. Practicing yoga or meditation is a great method to encourage blood flow to muscles throughout the body. De-stressing methods can also include treatments such as massages and physiotherapy. The key is to allow muscles to relax from their constricted state and loosen up, encouraging proper circulation. As with exercise, try to establish a weekly routine in which you can take time to relax.
Change Your Diet
Nutrient deficiencies in magnesium, B vitamins, and calcium can all play a role in muscle contraction and relaxation, mainly due to a poor diet or poor absorption. Magnesium deficiency is especially prevalent in those with muscle tension and associated pain – headaches, spasms, and cramps – because the mineral helps muscles relax. Best food sources of magnesium include cacao, nuts, leafy green, lentils, and beans.
Macafem for Muscle Tension
Macafem helps rebalance hormonal levels to relieve muscle pain and tension throughout a woman’s reproductive life, including the menopausal transition. The hormone-regulating supplement’s unique compounds nourish and stimulate endocrine glands, prompting them to produce the appropriate hormones as needed. Consequently, muscle tension and other symptoms of hormonal imbalance dissipate.
With a combination of self-care techniques and Macafem, there is hope to find relief for muscle tension. No one method works better than the next as each woman’s body is unique, and each will react accordingly. Self-care techniques may bring short-term results; however, it is important to counteract the hormonal imbalance behind the symptoms to bring about long-term alleviation.
34MenopauseSymptoms. (n.d.). Top 5 Exercises to Cure Neck Muscle Tension. Retrieved February 21, 2018, from
Christiano, J. (2014). Living Beyond Your Chronic Pain: 8 Simple Steps to a Pain-Free and Healthy Life. Pennsylvania: Destiny Image Publishers, Inc. Available from Google Books.
Groves, M.N. (2016). Body into Balance: An Herbal Guide to Holistic Self-Care. Massachusetts: Storey Publishing. Available from Google Books.