
How Menopause Affects Your Sleep

Most of a woman’s estrogen and progesterone is produced in the ovaries during her reproductive years. With age, the ovaries eventually slow down hormone production – beginning perimenopause – until the end to fertile years. This end is known as menopause, and it marks just one period within the menopausal transition.

Continue reading to find out how menopause affects your sleep, including information on management and how to regain that much needed beauty sleep.

macafem how menopause affects your sleep

The Drop in Hormone Production

As aforementioned, when a woman enters perimenopause and transitions into postmenopause, ovarian hormone production steadily declines. However, reproductive hormones will continually be produced in other glands. These glands include the liver, adrenal glands, and adipose tissues, among others. Nonetheless, the amounts produced in these generally do not equate to what was produced by the ovaries.

As a woman’s body tries to compensate for and readjust to having lower hormone levels, symptoms may ensue. More traditionally recognized symptoms that occur during this menopausal transition include mood swings, fatigue, hot flashes, and vaginal dryness as well as sleep disturbances.

How to Sleep Better During Menopause

Although there are a variety of sleep disturbances that can be caused by the drop in hormones during the menopausal transition, night sweats are one of the most common. There are a variety of tips women can use to avoid triggering night sweats or help overcome the uncomfortableness of them.

Avoid triggers by reducing consumption of hot drinks and spicy food before bed. This evades the occurrence of excessive sweating. Also, limit caffeine and alcohol intake; both stimulate sweat glands and can exacerbate night sweats.

For managing night sweats, women may wish to sleep in removable layers of clothing that consist of breathable, natural fibers. It may also be beneficial to turn down the thermostat at night for a cooler environment and wash your face with cool water for refreshment.

Macafem for Night Sweats

Macafem helps treat the underlying cause of night sweats – hormonal imbalance. This dietary supplement nourishes and stimulates the endocrine system, allowing it to work more efficiently. As such, sudden drops in estrogen and progesterone will diminish, and a woman’s quality of sleep will improve as night sweats dissipate. Discover more about Macafem’s essential nutrients and healthy alkaloids and how they work together to relieve night sweats.

Going through the menopausal transition should not be an excuse for women to not get a good night’s sleep. Although the symptom is rooted in hormonal imbalance, there are plenty of ways a woman can manage it and eventually beat it. Watch energy levels surge as sleep disturbances become a thing of the past with the help of Macafem.

34MenopauseSymptoms. (n.d.). Q&A: Does Alcohol Cause Night Sweats? Retrieved February 21, 2018, from https://www.34-menopause-symptoms.com/night-sweats/articles/qadoes-alcohol-cause-night-sweats.htm
Nelson, L.R. & Bulun, S.E. (2001). Estrogen production and action. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 45(3 Suppl), S116-24. Retrieved February 21, 2018, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11511861
Society of Endocrinology. (2015). Progesterone. Retrieved February 21, 2018, from http://www.yourhormones.info/Hormones/Progesterone.aspx