What to Note in Your Period Diary
Irregular periods are the hallmark of the menopause transition. As the body prepares to put an end to the menstrual cycle permanently, hormone levels fluctuate up and down. This results in changes in the menstrual cycle – bleeding can occur unpredictably and in different quantities. Generally, it is recommended that women keep a period diary when they experience irregularities. Macafem is a great way to regulate periods , but a thorough period diary is an important tool when it comes to diagnosis and treatment, and will allow you to track your progress easily. Find out what to be sure to note in yours.
1. Frequency and Duration
First, write down the day that your period starts – don’t forget to note the year as well. You can also add the time of day or the exact hour if you noticed the bleeding right away. Then, each day, jot down that the period is continuing until you can write the closing date; this will help you not to forget in the meantime. In addition, you will be marking down other things each day of the period.
2. Amount of Bleeding
In the morning, afternoon, and night of the days of your period, make a note of how much bleeding you experience. To quantify this, write down how many pads or tampons you use throughout the day and whether the bleeding is scant, moderate, or heavy on each. Also, take note of any other irregularities in the bleeding, such as blood clots. Spotting at any point in the cycle is also important to include. While these may feel embarrassing at first, your diary is between you and your doctor – just view it as data you’re recording for medical purposes.
3. Other Symptoms
Jot down any other symptoms you experience during your period. It could be things related to the reproductive system, such as pelvic pain or itching in the genital region. It could also be any other ails, like headaches, mood swings, or night sweats. In fact, it is a good idea to keep track of any symptoms you experience, even if you are not sure if they are related to your menstrual cycle. This can help a doctor diagnose not only your irregular periods, but those additional symptoms as well.
4. Any Medications or Supplements
Over-the-counter medicines, prescription drugs, vitamins, dietary supplements, and herbal remedies can all have a potential effect on menstruation and its related symptoms. Note when you take any of these, as well as the dosage – this can greatly help your physician.
The unpredictability and potential pain associated with menstrual problems can be bothersome and hamper plans. Fortunately, Macafem can help manage irregular periods and treat other menopause symptoms – as you can see in these customer testimonials. A period diary is a great way to keep track of menstruation, and you can note the improvements you see with Macafem!
Office on Women's Health. (2010). Menopause basics. Retrieved March 6, 2015, from http://www.womenshealth.gov/menopause/menopause-basics/