Difficulty Concentrating and Menopause: The Connection
When bombarded with hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and other common menopause symptoms, the last thing you need is to struggle collecting your thoughts. Fortunately, with a little dedication and willpower, you can put a stop to this troubling discomfort for good. Check out how difficulty concentrating and menopause are connected and how Macafem can be the solution you have been searching for.
Why do I Have Difficulty Concentrating during Menopause?
Experiencing difficulty concentrating and brain fog may hit women when they least expect it, including when trying to focus on a daily task, meeting deadlines at work, or remembering an important event.
While understandably debilitating, difficulty is one of the most common symptoms during the menopausal transition. As with the majority of discomforts reported during this life phase, their main culprit is hormonal imbalance.
As women’s ovaries are winding down their reproductive roles, falling estrogen affects the levels of neurotransmitters, like norepinephrine or acetylcholine. These brain chemicals are in charge of regulating cognitive abilities.
As such, a disturbance in their levels or functioning is directly linked to a disruption in cognition, including difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness, or fuzzy thoughts.
Additionally, being burdened with other menopause symptoms, like sleep problems, depression, or memory lapses, can take a further toll on women’s ability to concentrate and think clearly.
Management Tips for Difficulty Concentrating
The good news is that there are plentiful ways to manage difficulty concentrating during menopause. Consider the following tips for best results.
For starters, a woman’s diet has a direct correlation with her hormonal levels and cognitive capabilities. A balanced menopause diet should include healthy sources of lean protein, slow-release carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Adding nuts might help boost concentration and memory, while phytoestrogenic foods, like soy or oats, will help balance hormone levels.
Another step to treating difficulty concentrating is to get moving. Numerous studies have shown that regular exercise improves focus, memory, and overall cerebral performance. So, opt for about 30 minutes of moderately intense workouts three times a week to boost your concentration.
Lastly, feeling emotionally stressed and tired for an extended period of time can trigger or worse difficulty concentrating. In fact, stress can be damaging to certain areas in the brain that control memory and cognition. Luckily, relieving stress is possible with meditation, biofeedback, yoga, or even deep breathing exercises.
Macafem for Difficulty Concentrating
Alongside optimizing their lifestyle practices, middle-aged women experiencing difficulty concentrating can greatly benefit from taking Macafem.
This all-natural supplement contains beneficial alkaloids that nourish the endocrine glands and stimulate them to produce more of their own hormones, particularly estrogen and progesterone.
By doing so, Macafem also helps balance the levels of cognition-essential neurotransmitters, which means saying goodbye to brain fog and difficulty concentrating. As an added bonus, the hormone-regulating effects of the supplement keep other menopause symptoms at bay.
Although frightening, difficulty concentrating affects many women during the mid-life transition. Luckily, with optimized lifestyle habits and a bottle of Macafem, women can tackle the symptom with more ease, sharpen their concentration, and put their brain power into exploring this new and beautiful life phase.
Harvard Health Publishing. (2013). Regular exercise releases brain chemicals key for memory, concentration, and mental sharpness. Retrieved April 29, 2020 from https://www.health.harvard.edu/press_releases/regular-exercise-releases-brain-chemicals-key-for-memory-concentration-and-mental-sharpness
The American Institute of Stress. (n.d.). Improve Memory, Concentration, Productivity, and Health by Reducing Stress. Retrieved April 29, 2020 from https://www.stress.org/improve-memory-concentration-productivity-and-health-by-reducing-stress
The North American Menopause Society. (n.d.). What You Should Know About Memory and Concentration at Midlife. Retrieved April 29, 2020 from https://www.menopause.org/docs/default-document-library/cogeng.pdf