
Menopause Awareness Month – It’s Time to Do Something About Your Symptoms

Since September is celebrated as Menopause Awareness Month, you’ll likely be hearing a lot more about this transitional time in the upcoming weeks.It’s also a great opportunity to finally do something about those menopause symptoms that have been plaguing you. Let’s jump on the bandwagon and take time to help your menopause story become one of success,inspiring other women.

macafem menopause awareness month 2020

Put Yourself First

We know the cost of juggling life, especially when you’re not feeling your best. While it’s easy to get tangled up in every day’s busyness and put your own needs aside, it’s the easiest path to exhaustion. Your physical and emotional health determines how you show up in the world. So, why not take a little time out your schedule to take care of yourself so that you can go back to feeling your best possible self? You’re worth it.

Talk to Other Women

Just like old folk wisdom used to be passed down generations, women nowadays are eager to share their trials and errors with various menopause treatments. Whether it is through someone in your surroundings, women’s testimonials, or an online support group, connecting with other women going through this natural life phase will give you priceless and tested insights. It’ll also make you feel like you don’t fight this battle alone.

Nurture Your Body

Most likely, you already know the best ways to optimize your lifestyle to reduce menopause symptoms. Putting that knowledge into action may be a little trickier. The secret lies in taking small but consistent steps. It could simply mean swapping that extra cookie for a piece of fruit, turning the TV off and going for a walk around the block, or adding some lemon slices to your water to make it more inviting. Soon enough, it’ll all pay off.

Take a Break

Going through the menopausal transition is known to weigh heavy on women’s psyche. After all, it brings an end to an important part of their femininity and plagues them with unfamiliar symptoms. That’s why it is key to tune in to your emotions and find what helps you unwind, let steam off, and find peace. Whether it’s meditation, conscious breathing, or daily journaling, it’ll help you feel more grounded throughout this period.

Lean onMacafem

One of the best ways to help your body stay strong and balanced during the transition is by taking Macafem, a 100% natural supplement with hormone-regulating properties. It’ll gently yet surely get your back.

Macafem’s unique composition of natural compounds offers numerous benefits for menopausal women. By working directly on the endocrine glands, it stimulates them to regulate their production of hormones. The resulting hormonal balance effectively lessens menopause symptoms and helps women feel more empowered.


Don’t let this year’s Menopause Awareness Month pass by without making concrete plans about your health and putting them into action. Face menopause feeling well-informed and in control to finally put a stop to symptoms that bother you. With Macafem supporting you from within, you can totally win this battle.

Healthy Women. (2015). September is Menopause Awareness Month. Retrieved August 28, 2020 from https://www.healthywomen.org/your-health/menopause-aging-well/september-menopause-awareness-month
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. (n.d.). 4 things to Know About Menopausal Symptom and Complementary Health Practices. Retrieved August 28, 2020 from https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/tips/things-to-know-about-menopausal-symptoms-and-complementary-health-practices
National Institute on Aging. (n.d.). Menopause: tips for a Healthy Transition. Retrieved August 28, 2020 from https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/infographics/menopause-tips-healthy-transition
Office on Women’s Health. (2018). Menopause symptoms and relief. Retrieved August 28, 2020 from https://www.womenshealth.gov/menopause/menopause-symptoms-and-relief