How to Talk to Your Family about the Menopause Transition
At times, the menopause transition can be overwhelming. Many women find that mood swings and other symptoms make them feel and act like they’re not themselves. This can impact family relations, making communication vital to avoid misunderstandings. Since menopause has been a taboo topic for a long time, bringing it up with your family can be nerve-wracking. These tips can help you lead into this very important discussion.

Talking to Your Partner
Menopause symptoms often have numerous physical and emotional effects. Your partner may feel left in the dark if they don’t know much about what menopause entails. Since vaginal dryness and loss libido can have a significant on your relationship, it’s vital to talk to your partner about what you are experiencing, what feels good, and ways to connect in addition to or instead of sex.
Make sure to find a time when neither of you are busy to talk in a calm, non-sexual capacity. Explain your needs to your partner and listen to theirs as well. Being honest and forthcoming about your feelings and your experience with menopause will help you to understand each other.
Talking to Your Children
Discussing menopause with small children can be difficult because they do not yet understand the ways the world. However, if they notice changes in Mom’s behavior, tone of voice, or appearance, they will be curious about what is going on and wonder if it is their fault. You don’t have to explain the details of the process to them, but reassure them that Mom is just going through some little changes and that she’ll be okay.
Talking with teenagers, however, often requires a different approach. Sometimes, you can relate with your respective transitions: puberty and menopause are both tied to hormonal changes. Spats are bound to happen due to the mood swings you are both likely experiencing, but it’s important to make amends each time and explain to them that sometimes the changes you are experiencing make you act unlike yourself.
Talking to Other Family Members
With busy schedules, many families only get together around the holidays and other big occasions. These times can cause a lot of stress and intensify menopause symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings. Be sure to pull your siblings and other family members aside during a calm moment to explain a little about what you are going through. Reassure them that you are family and you care about them, even though things may get a bit heated now and then.
You are not alone in your menopause experience. Reaching an understanding with the people closest to you will help bolster your support network. Many women are experiencing the same symptoms, as seen in these Macafem testimonials. In addition to support, another important facet of coping with menopause symptoms is balancing hormone levels. Find out how Macafem works to counteract hormonal imbalance.
Office on Women's Health. (2010). Menopause and sexuality. Retrieved April 5, 2016, from