
Macafem Works! 100+ Customer Testimonials - Page 3

March 25, 2016

Irregular Periods

I just wanted to say thank you. I am 23 years old and I have been irregular all my life. I use to bleed for weeks at a time and just be fatigued. I had started birth control; I decided to take them for one month and after I got my period to start taking the macafem. My cycle on the birth control was just horrible; I bleed extremely heavy to the point I got sent home from work early for ten days. My first cycle with macafem was nice and medium and only lasted for 3 days!!!!! I’m so happy; and now I feel like a women. Thank you

March 12, 2016

Hot Flashes

I’ve been using Macafem for a number of years and it has worked amazingly well! However, about 18 months ago, I had surgery and had to quit taking it for a couple of weeks. Since I had to stop, I decided I would see how I did without it. And, for probably a year, I did well, having mild hot flashes off and on. I still had a couple of bottles left but didn’t use them again until recently when the hot flashes got much worse. I have started back on it but don’t notice the improvement I had in previous years. I’m guessing it has to do with my increasing age. :) I’ve been in menopause for about 5 years.
I must say that the first year I began taking it, I was having severe hot flashes. After about a month of taking Macafem, my hot flashes stopped completely. I had zero flashed for over a year. It was bliss! After that, I was having mild flashes that didn’t interrupt my life.
Thanks for a very good product. I tell my friends about it because it was such a great help to me.

January 24, 2016

Anxiety, Fatigue, Hair Loss, Headaches, Hot Flashes, Joint Pain

It worked for me!! I’m 48 and fit with no health issues. Then all a sudden I started to notice these different symptons – flashes, headaches, anxiety, joint pain, fatigue and hair loss, but not all at the same time. My symptoms came on gradually, but began to get much worse. My OBGYN said I was perimenopausal. Ok, so now what? He didn’t give me any solutions. So about 6 months went on, as the symptons got worse. Then the final straw was very painful periods with terrible ovarian pain. My doctor prescribed me a very strong version of Aleve, but it didn’t really help. The ovary pain was extreme during ovulation, as well, so much so that I saw a uriologist because they thought it was my bladder, but all was fine, except the pain was still there. After much research and reading the testimonials, I decided to try Macafem and though I feel it to be a bit pricey, it changed my life. Most, if not all, of my symptons disappeared within a week of taking the supplement. I still have slight ovarian pain during ovulation and my cycle, but much more bearable. I took Macafem for two months and felt much better on 3 tabs/daily. Then …opps, I ran out. I was without it for 8 days and started to notice the symptoms coming back. I quickly started back ASAP. It has worked for me and not to say it will for everyone, but I plan to take if for about 6 months and then take a week off and see how I feel. I will definitely have some macafem on backup if symptoms reappear. Listen to your body ladies and do what you can for yourself. Doctors are great but they can’t treat all your symptons. Anytime I can take something natural instead of a prescription…..I’m all for it. Good luck to you if you are suffering, but remember you don’t have too!! Thanks Macafem!

January 3, 2016

Hot Flashes, Itchy Skin, Night Sweats

Dear Macafem team,
I am extremely happy with the Macafem supplements I have been taking for the last 7-8 months. I feel that since I have being taken them I have had little or no night sweats! Even more important is that they have stopped my skin from burning around my neck area. I had been suffering from this hormone related condition on and off for the last two years and nothing or no one helped me not even my gynecologist! I will definitely be ordering more once my last two bottles are finished!
Many thanks from a very grateful customer!

December 16, 2015

Energy Levels, Irregular Periods, Itchy Skin, Sleep Disorders, Weight Gain

I am 42. Although my doctor says I am not yet at “the change.” by body tells me otherwise. Over the last six-either months I was gaining weight, my body was itching like mad, my cycle was coming every 21-25 days and when it arrived I would have the worst cramps of my life. I stumbled across Macafem through a discussion board and figured I would give it a try.
After one month of taking 2 pills a day things are better! The first thing I noticed was sleeping more soundly and waking up full of energy. I didn’t even realize this was an issue for me. When my period arrived it took me by surprise. I didn’t have the usual &*tch on wheels days the week preceding. Also, cramping was significantly reduced. Best of all the itching has stopped.
I am absolutely thrilled to have found Macafem. I am looking forward to seeing what other benefits arise in the coming weeks and months. THANK YOU Macafem!

November 3, 2015

Energy Levels, Fatigue, Hot Flashes

I am 53 years old and have been in perimenopause for 2 years. It has been horrible to say the least. For the past 2 years I have been exhausted. I also experienced hot flashes but could manage these with Remefemin. I felt like my life had been ripped away from me. I used to be the most energetic person around. I work fulltime and would keep my house spotless, do the gardens and lawns, keep up with the washing, decorate rooms and the list goes on. People would call me a workaholic. When peri struck I became a tired person. I have little or no time for tired people so you can imagine how much I hated my life when I could no longer do all the things I used to do. It was like my life had ended. It was so bad that I would come home from work at 5.00pm and go to bed for a couple of hours. I was so tired at work I even considered going to my car at lunchtime to have a sleep. I had my bloods checked and was found to be slightly low in B12. I started getting injections which immediately seemed to help immensely but then the effect of them started to lessen, so I was back to searching the internet for anything that might help me. I have spent hours searching and learnt that everyone is different and whatever you try you must give it a number of weeks to work.
I live in NZ and ordered Macafem. They arrived within days which was great. I started taking 2 a day but then increased it because I wasn’t sure they were working. At the same time I was fighting a virus for a month and some days I felt well and other days I felt terrible so I couldn’t say for sure when Macafem started working. I am over the virus now and have been taking Macafem for about 8 weeks. I couldn’t wait to write this review and tell other people how wonderful it is. Actually the reason I tried it for my symptoms was because someone else on this page said she felt the same exhaustion that I did. I’m so pleased she put on a review otherwise I would be still suffering. I have never heard of women feeling exhaustion because of menopause but apparently 80 percent of women experience it. I now feel amazing. I’m probably not as good as I was prior to peri but I put that down to getting older. I guess we all have to slow down sometime. I also have to make sure I get at least 8 hours sleep a night so I don’t feel tired. There is a difference between feeling tired and feeling exhausted. It’s really hard to explain. When you are tired you yawn but when you are exhausted you don’t. You don’t look tired when you are exhausted.
Most people have no comprehension of how disgusting you are feeling. I think my hormones are better balanced now so I am taking 3 Macafem per day. I may be able to reduce that sometime later but for now I’m going to stick with the 3 and enjoy feeling well again. I can’t say that it has helped with my weight at all. It’s definitely easy to put on weight at this age and it doesn’t want to go but Macafem hasn’t helped . I did also experience an upset stomach for a few weeks. I am always dubious about customer reviews and whether they are real or not so if anyone would like to contact me directly they can email me at —@gmail.com and I can assure you this is really what I went through. Do give Macafem a try. I am positive you won’t be disappointed.

September 26, 2015

Hot Flashes, Night Sweats

I wanted to wait and use for a while, it has been almost 1 year since I started using Macafem. I take 3 tablets in the evening, so they do not interfere with the thyroid meds I take. I had thyroid cancer 6 yrs ago and have no thyroid but am cancer free but the whole thing kicked of the worst hot flashes and night sweats all other herbal type supplements had stopped being on any help. Macafem to the rescue. I have shared with several friends and they also have passed on to others ALL of us thank you.
Konnie, thank you very much for your testimonial and for spreading the word.
Just as a reminder to all women reading this testimonial, it is important to always ask your healthcare practitioner before taking Macafem or any other supplement if you have a medical condition or if you are taking any medications.

September 8, 2015

Hair Loss, Hot Flashes, Irregular Heartbeat, Mood Swings, Night Sweats, Sleep Disorders

I just celebrated my 50th birthday this year …the celebration was short lived because almost instantly I started having menopausal symptoms. 2-3 night sweats – so bad I would have to change clothing; 5 or more hot flashes during the day; mood swings; hair loss, heart palpitations and this weird “out of body” issue; To make matters worse, I was having trouble sleeping I felt like the poster woman for menopause! Horrible! I have done a bunch of research because I refuse to take synthetic hormones with all of their horrible side effects…. I found Macafem. I read the reviews – did research on the ingredients and then ordered a bottle. I take 3 pills every morn and journal how I feel and changes that I feel. 8 days in and night sweats are gone. I sleep through every night, hot flashes are down to 3 or less ; mood swings are mainly gone- and I have my energy back …back to working out ! Thank you for this life restoring product!

August 17, 2015

Hot Flashes, Loss of Libido, Memory Lapses, Sleep Disorders, Weight Gain

I’m a 56 year old woman who is in the full throes of menopause. For the past 2 years I’ve been searching for a safe way to get some relief from the following symptoms; hot flashes, decreased libido, fatigue, memory & cognitive changes, insomnia, weight gain and generally feeling just blah most of the time. I found Macafem while hunting for an alternative to HRT which I had decided I definitely did not want to do. I can report, after taking Macafem for the first month, is that ALL of the symptoms I’ve mentioned above have lessened substantially!!! I actually felt 10 years younger!! I felt like myself again!! I say felt because I’ve run out and am awaiting my order. It’s been about 2 weeks since I took the last of my first bottle and those symptoms I’ve mentioned have returned with a vengeance! I wanted proof as to whether Macafem does what it says and I’ve got it! It REALLY does work!!!! I believe that with continued use I will see the end of these symptoms. I will certainly make sure going forward to place my order before I run out and not after! :-). Thanks Macafem!

July 30, 2015

Hot Flashes, Sleep Disorders

Although initially sceptical of any ‘over the counter’ remedy, I started taking Macafem 7 months ago when hot flushes and lack of sleep were causing me major problems. I began on 6 tablets a day and within 2 weeks there was a noticeable difference in both. I reduced the dose gradually as the symptoms of menopause improved and now take only 2 a day to maintain control. I am so glad I took the step and would definitely recommend Macafem to anyone experiencing menopausal symptoms.

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