
Macafem Reviews - Page 5

Video Testimonial

From Catherine - Hawaii

Thousands of women have gotten relief from their symptoms. Get to know some of them!

Macafem Testimonial from Bonnie

Featured 5-Star

Hot Flashes

WORKS!!! I went from 12 hot flashes per day to zero! This is the first time I have ever left a review for a product. I tell all my friends – they are starting to be suspicious that I secretly work for the company which I do NOT! hahaha

Macafem Testimonial from Jill


Blood Pressure, Energy Levels, Headaches, Hot Flashes, Mood Swings, Sleep Disorders

I have been taking Macafem for 6 weeks. I started it 4 weeks post full hysterectomy. I’ve cut my HRT in half and plan to stop taking it all together very soon as I feel so much better now than I did being on all those hormones! No mood swings, no more uncontrollable hunger, energy is back, no hot flashes, better sleep, fewer headaches and I even have lower blood pressure.
I’ve seen so many great, natural benefits from Macafem, it’s AMAZING!

Macafem Testimonial from Renee

Featured 5-Star

Hot Flashes

Not only are my hot flashes nearly nonexistent, but my doctor has decreased the amount of thyroid medication I am taking due to the benefits of Macafem. I am very happy with this product. I have been using Macafem for approximately 6-8 months.

Rennee, TX

Macafem Testimonial from Rachel

Featured 4-Star

Great product! I have used many other’s (for hormonal imbalance symptoms) and just can’t find anything that works as well for me. Have recommended to all my friends who suffer from menopausal symptoms. I order from Australia and it usually takes around 3 weeks to arrive so its a good idea to order in advance, which I haven’t done this time, so I’m dreading the return of symptoms in the mean time.

March 2, 2023 5-Star

Hot Flashes

I am a very emotional person and have been on an antidepressant for years which has made me pretty stable. I just turned 54 and I am still having periods most months. I have been taking Macafem consistently for about a year. I feel it has really made me more stable emotionally. I still cry and have emotions of course, but I don’t feel so fragile. The few times I have run out of vitamins, I could tell the difference (and so could my husband!). I am thankful for the benefit I receive from Macafem. I don’t have any hot flashes or other symptoms- maybe those are yet to come, but I haven’t experienced any so far.

February 19, 2023 4-Star

Hot Flashes

Been taking for almost a month; so far daily hot flashes have reduced.

February 19, 2023 5-Star

Hot Flashes

I am almost through with my first bottle of Macafem and so far so good. I just ordered three more bottles and will review with more detail when finishing these.

February 1, 2023 5-Star

Anxiety, Mood Swings

I am taking macafem for seven years. It reduces my anxiety and mood swing. It also improve my skin complexion. I look much younger after taking macafem. I am 63 years old now. Thank you macafem and I have recommended to my friends. 👍👍👍

January 29, 2023 5-Star

Hair Loss

Helped my hair and my wellbeing.

January 24, 2023 5-Star

This product really helped me! I was kinda skeptical but I figured I’d give it a shot after reading the reviews. I was having cycles every two weeks :) but when I started this product they stopped!!! I’ve been in perimenopause for quite some time now so I’m hoping this will continue to help me until I’m finished with menopause completely.

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