
Macafem Reviews - Page 65

October 21, 2013

Depression, Fatigue, Headaches, Hot Flashes, Night Sweats, Sleep Disorders

OMG I have been on MacaFem for 8 days and I can not believe the results thus far. For the first three days on this product I did have insomnia and a mild headache which was nothing compared to the migraines I have suffered with for the past 8 years. My hot flashes only came to my chest and never made it to my head causing that funky feeling. By the 4th day I no longer suffered from hot flashes or night sweats, I am sleeping through the night, I can’t remember the last time that happened. I don’t wake up in the morning with this feeling of overwhelming sadness for no reason, I am actually happy and laughing once again. I happened to received this order 8 days before my period which has always been the worst for me, craps, pains, migraines, irritability, mood swings, the list could go on. I had none of these systems, I am still in shock, I actually even liked/loved my husband this month and didn’t want a divorce as I usually do 10 day before my period. I have been calm and I don’t feel out of control. I also have suffered from Fibromyalgia for 12 years and I can see a big difference in my pain and fatigue levels in the past 8 days. I must say, I have tried everything over the years and nothing compares to this. This is my miracle drug of choice. Thank you God and MacaFem for showing me who I use to be and who I have missed for so long and who I can become now. I can start living my life again instead of trying to just make it though.

October 11, 2013

Energy Levels

I am 68yrs old and I have finished my first bottle of Macafem I have found my energy levels have increased by 100% which was one my main concerns, I also feel so much better physically. I have tried many other natural products to increase my energy levels with no result. This product is excellent for wellbeing and increased energy. I am very happy and will be ordering 3 more bottles.

October 5, 2013

Hot Flashes, Irritability

This product is awesome! No hot flashes, no irritability..JUST HAPPY!
Thank you

September 18, 2013 5-Star

Mood Swings

Best product out there. It has leveled my moods and I feel like me again. I would recommend this to any woman. It has changed my life for the better after menopause.

September 18, 2013

Energy Levels, Hot Flashes, Loss of Libido, Mood Swings, Night Sweats, Weight Gain

AMAZING – the only way to describe Macafm!!!!! Thank you more than I can say for such a life changing product! I have been taking Macafem for 2 years now – it works so well that after having taken it for the first 6 months I thought that I was done with menopause and stopped – HUGE mistake – I wasn’t done the Macafem was just that great! Got back on it ASAP & what a difference. No hot flashes – No night sweats – Big change in libido & mood swings & energy & i even lost weight! I tell everyone who will listen to me about this product that has saved me from menopause hell!!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!

September 10, 2013

Hot Flashes, Loss of Libido, Mood Swings, Night Sweats

I’ve been using Macafem for over 2 years. I am 58 years old, deep into menopause with hot flashes, night sweats, bitchiness, loss of libido etc. Macafem gave me back my life! My libido returned within 2 weeks. My hot flashes & night sweats have been reduced by 90%. I can’t buy Macafem in Canada & I tried to go without it but I was miserable and so was everyone around me. I gotta have it!!!

September 5, 2013

Night Sweats

This testimonial is to allay the concerns of any sceptics reading this site – which I certainly was until I tried this product. I am 42 and the increasing frequency of night sweats made sleeping uncomfortable and disrupted. Like many of the other women, I thought why not just give it a go? I cautiously ordered one bottle and have taken 2 tablets a day for the past 3 weeks, and I’ve been able to sleep comfortably through the night for the first time in months. All I can say is that the proof is in the results. Thank you so much!

August 20, 2013 4-Star

Brain Fog, Energy Levels, Night Sweats

I have just started Macafem a few weeks ago.  My major premenopausal symptoms was waking up with night sweats so badly that my clothes and bed sheets were drenched.  Within the first two days of taking Macafem the night sweats have stopped completely and I have not experienced any since starting.  I feel clear headed with more energy.  I am increasing to 2 Macafem now and hoping the sleep will improve as well.  Thank you Macafem.

July 9, 2013

Depression, Night Sweats

I have to say Thank you Lord for sending me to this product. I have only been taking it since July 3, 2013 but WOW. I feel so much better. No more night sweats, sleeping so soundly but the best part is the sadness and depression are gone. I feel like me again. My Dr. put me on antidepressant due to hormone changes after menopause. I hated them. I went searching and found your site. Oh I can’t say enough good things about this product. I am a real woman with post menopause and have tried several things but this WORKS. Thank you thank you.

July 4, 2013

Energy Levels, Hot Flashes, Night Sweats

I am 51 years old and post menopausal. I was dealing with severe hot flashes, night sweats and lack of energy. I’ve been using Macafem since June of 2012, and ran out about a month ago. I didnt really think about it until about 2 weeks without it all my symptoms returned with a vengence. Although unintentional, there couldn’t be a stronger testimonial than that for me. Have just ordered another 3 month supply and will ensure I don’t run out again! I am so grateful to have found this product

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