
Macafem Blog - Page 14

How to Reach Your New Macafem Weight Loss Goal

How to Reach Your New Macafem Weight Loss Goal

Macafem and healthy habits are a great combination to help you meet your weight loss goal. While Macafem balances hormone levels, a healthy diet and regular exercise increases the amount of calories burned. Little steps can make a big difference!

Macafem and Foods for a Young-Looking Skin

Macafem and Foods for a Young-Looking Skin

Eating foods rich in vitamins and nutrients is not only important to your overall health, but can greatly improve the appearance of your skin. Salmon, almonds, blueberries, and green tea are just a few healthy foods that can easily be incorporated into your life for younger looking skin.

Menu Plan for Preventing Osteoporosis while on Macafem

A Menu Plan for Preventing Osteoporosis while on Macafem

Osteoporosis is a debilitating condition that affects many older women, with menopause being a contributing factor. Therefore, it is essential that women protect themselves from the chances of developing this condition by incorporating the right foods into their diet. This meal plan gives some ideas.

Changes to Your Bedroom to Drive Night Sweats Away

Macafem and Changes to Your Bedroom to Drive Night Sweats Away

Night sweats are an uncomfortable but very common symptom of menopause, which are caused by a range of hormonal, psychological, and environmental factors. After taking the steps to maintain optimum hormonal balance within the body, it is also important to try to control the environmental factors that can lead to night sweats as much as possible.

5 Brain Workouts to Keep Your Memory Sharp

5 Brain Workouts to Keep Your Memory Sharp during Menopause

A great memory is always a desirable quality, and fortunately there are things you can do in order to achieve this. Implementing changes to your day to day life by introducing workouts that will exercise and challenge your brain is the best way to do this.

6 ways keep healthy body image change

6 Ways to Keep a Healthy Body Image during the Change

Many women struggle with a negative body image. This article describes six ways every woman can use to build a healthy body image, including exercising, limiting time spent in front of the mirror, wearing clothes she feels confident in, and focusing on health and well-being.

6 Great Snacks for Your New Hormonal Health Plan

6 Great Snacks for Your New Hormonal Health Plan

Reaching for unhealthy snacks once hunger rears its head can easily derail your efforts towards a healthier lifestyle and endocrine balance. This article describes six low-calorie snack ideas such as plain popcorn, olive and nuts, fruit salad, ham and honey lettuce rolls, and hummus and carrot combinations.

5 tips choose gym class complement macafem

5 Tips to Choose a Gym Class to Complement Macafem

A major part of hormonal balance is fitness, but with hundreds of options out there to try, it’s hard to choose where to start. Here are five things to help you pick the most compatible gym class that will complement your Macafem hormonal health program.