
Macafem Blog - Page 2

All About Seeking Your Doctor’s Help for Menopause

All About Seeking Your Doctor’s Help for Menopause

Why See a Doctor for Menopause Seeing a doctor for menopause is crucial for women’s health. This is true not only during perimenopause (the stage leading up to their last period), but also in postmenopause (the years that follow the last period). Menopause (…)

Menopause & Gut Health: What's the Connection?

Menopause & Gut Health: What’s the Connection?

Why Does Gut Health Matter? The human gastrointestinal tract (GI), or simply the gut, is a natural habitat for trillions of microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses. This collection of gut-populating microbes is referred to as gut microbiota, gut flora, or gut (…)

Hormonal Imbalance & Infertility

Hormonal Imbalance & Infertility

What’s Hormonal Imbalance? Hormonal imbalance happens when the levels of hormones produced in the body are too high, too low, or out of sync. While several other hormones influence female fertility (e.g., thyroid hormones), the four that play a principal role in reproduction (…)

Menopause & Intimacy: Is My Sex Life Over?

Menopause & Intimacy: Is My Sex Life Over?

What’s Different About Menopausal Sex? Menopause affects every woman differently, and that includes sex. Although it is more common for women to experience unsatisfactory differences, some women do find menopausal sex more liberating and enjoyable. Nevertheless, for the majority, various menopause-related physiological events (…)

Macafem Reviews 2022: We Did It Again

Macafem Reviews 2022: We Did It Again

Julie Says Macafem is a Game Changer Julie – USA January 12, 2022 Bloating, Hot Flashes, Mood Swings, Weight Gain I’m in shock but it literally worked after the first dose. I was waking up from hot flashes 6+ times a night, since (…)

Positive Affirmations for Menopause & the Science Behind Them

Positive Affirmations for Menopause & the Science Behind Them

What are Positive Affirmations? Positive affirmations are typically brief statements or phrases that one repeats on a regular basis. Some practice them in front of a mirror, while others simply recite them quietly in their mind throughout the day or when needed. Positive (…)

Postmenopause & Osteoporosis: Prevention and Management

Postmenopause & Osteoporosis: Prevention and Management

What Exactly Is Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a progressive metabolic bone disease, characterized by low bone mineral density and reduced bone strength. As a result, bones become weak and fragile, significantly increasing the risk of fractures. While osteoporosis affects both men and women, postmenopausal (…)

Early Menopause Q&As

Early Menopause Q&As

What Age is Considered Early Menopause? Most women begin the menopausal transition (a phase called “perimenopause”) sometime between the ages of 45 and 55. The average age at which women reach menopause (that is, have their final periods) is 51. So, early menopause (…)

How You Pass Through Menopause Can Affect the Rest of Your Life

How You Pass Through Menopause Can Affect the Rest of Your Life

Your Heart Health Throughout women’s reproductive years, estrogen plays several key roles, one which is protecting against cardiovascular disease. After menopause, however, estrogen levels drop, causing women to face new, serious health risks. They’re often worsened by a more sedentary lifestyle, high cholesterol, (…)

7 Surprising Facts About Menopause

7 Surprising Facts About Menopause

Menopause Is Not Diagnosed with Clinical Tests Many middle-aged women are surprised that they aren’t prescribed tests to confirm they’re menopausal. Indeed, doctors usually determine their menopausal status based on age, experienced symptoms, and lack of periods. To make it more interesting, up (…)