
Macafem Blog - Page 5

premenopause vs perimenopause what's the difference

Premenopause vs. Perimenopause: What’s the Difference?

What’s Pre- and Perimenopause, and When do They Start? First things first, premenopause is the first stage in a woman’s reproductive life. For most, it begins at puberty and ends around mid-40s. Since these are the most fertile years, premenopause is the best (…)

how to manage vaginal dryness alongside macafem

How to Manage Vaginal Dryness alongside Macafem

Moisture While it may sound obvious, a good strategy to counteract the natural lack of moisture in the vagina during menopause is by keeping the environment moist. There is a great variety of safe and effective products, most of which can be purchased (…)

Facts & Myths About Getting Pregnant

Facts & Myths About Getting Pregnant

Myth: It is Possible to Conceive at Any Time of the Month It is a common misconception shared by many women that their chances of getting pregnant are more or less even throughout the cycle. In reality, conception can only take place on (…)

menstruation and exercise

Menstruation and Exercise

Is It Okay to Exercise While on a Period? Women commonly wonder if they can exercise on their periods. The answer is a definite yes, as long as they feel up for it. Choosing reliable menstrual products is a secret to ultimate comfort (…)

Macafem best tips to reduce hot flashes this summer

Best Tips to Reduce Hot Flashes This Summer

Replenish the Water Lost Staying well hydrated is one of the best strategies against hot flashes. Both summer temperatures and hot flashes make the body sweat more. If that water lost through sweat is not promptly replenished, it can lead to dehydration, which (…)

Lifestyle Changes to Boost Fertility Alongside Macafem

Lifestyle Changes to Boost Fertility Alongside Macafem

Start Tracking Your Periods Before you jump to making any lifestyle changes to boost fertility, the first habit to develop is tracking your periods. Since women are only fertile on ovulation and a few days that precede it, understanding your menstrual patterns will (…)

difficulty concentrating and menopause the connection

Difficulty Concentrating and Menopause: The Connection

Why do I Have Difficulty Concentrating during Menopause? Experiencing difficulty concentrating and brain fog may hit women when they least expect it, including when trying to focus on a daily task, meeting deadlines at work, or remembering an important event. While understandably debilitating, (…)

macafem stress and anxiety

Menopause Anxiety and Stress

So, Why Do I Feel Anxious during Menopause? ­Let’s start by making a distinction between feelings of anxiousness and anxiety disorder because not all menopausal women experiencing anxiety will be diagnosed with an actual disorder. ­Feeling anxious is a normal part of every (…)

Frequently asked questions about PMS

Frequently asked questions about PMS

1. What are the Symptoms of PMS? PMS causes a wide range of physical and emotional symptoms, including menstrual cramps, digestive problems, breast tenderness, mood swings, irritability, and joint pain. Some women also experience social withdrawal, appetite changes, and trouble sleeping, among others. (…)